About Me

Hi!  I'm Bri, and I love a good cup of tea.
Ok, enough of that. Let's get down to the knitty gritty:
First and foremost, I am a Christian, and I am a part of a great community at Ebenezer Baptist Church. I absolutely love the church family I have there and wouldn't give them up for anything!

Although most of my posts on here discuss the wonders of DIY projects, sales, thrifting, foods, and all that jazz, I just want to clarify that I know my worth and identity comes from the personal relationship I have with my God. He has given me passion and excitement for these things and so I am sharing them with you!  I have a relationship with God that has freed me from living a life of destruction and I would love you to experience that too.  Please feel free to ask any questions you have about my faith and beliefs! 

I frequently get into some form of mischief.  
I love garage sales. 
I love chick flicks. 
Put peanut butter or coconut in anything and I'll eat it. 
I have an incredible family that I love to bits..!
I'm also currently in the process of starting a restaurant in my city... set to open in just a bit!
I also have an unhealthy obsession using exclamation marks! See I told you..!

Thanks for coming here, commenting and sharing the things I love!
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